
Woensdag 13 Julie 2016


- en die kerk raak vol, dan besef jy God werk en niemand kan Hom keer nie...

Ek ontvang nou die dag ‘n brief van my dierbare moeder met my verjaarsdag. Daarin skryf sy onder andere : “Ja, toe vind ek weer die boek van Duncan Campbell hier... Ontdek dat dit presies 60 jaar gelede is wat hy in SA was en ek hom gehoor het. Daar het ek gehoor wat God kan doen as mense bid en die Woord suiwer verkondig word.”

Ek het toe weer bietjie gaan nalees oor Duncan Campbell, sy ingrypende bekering as jongman en sy betrokkenheid by die merkwaardige herlewing op die Hebrides eilande aan die kus van Skotland. Dis ‘n inspirerende verhaal van die krag van God om sondaars tot bekering te bring, die krag van God wat in werking kom as daar gebid word... Hierdie werk van God was so aangrypend en heerlik dat die dansbaan sy glans verloor en mense eerder na die kerk gestroom het... (in ons gemeentes is dit as ‘n reël net mooi die teenoorgestelde)

Duncan Campbell se ouers was Christene en hy het dus met die evangelie grootgeword. Na skool het hy egter die pad van die wêreld geloop. Hy was ‘n goeie musikant en was in groot aanvraag om by danse en konserte te speel. Dit was tydens een so ‘n geleentheid in Desember 1913 dat sy gedagtes skielik weggedraai het van die heuwels van Skotland na die heuwel Golgota en hy is oorweldig deur ‘n diepe sondebesef. Hy het so bewus geword van die leegheid van sy lewe dat hy nie in staat was om verder te speel nie. Die man in beheer het gedink hy het siek geword en toe Duncan vir hom sê dat dit sy sonde was wat hom gepla het, is vir hom gesê dat hy gou daaroor sou kom. Duncan kon die gevoel egter nie afskud nie en het met ‘n onstuimige gemoed die geleentheid verlaat. Interessant genoeg het hy toe langs die pad ‘n vriend raakgeloop wat ‘n soortgelyke ervaring gehad het. Die vriend het egter besluit om ‘n keuse vir die Here tot later uit te stel. Duncan was egter vasbeslote om die saak met die Here uit te maak en het verklaar : “I'm going home to get right with God tonight."


Toe Duncan by die saal verbystap waar hy as kind Sondagskool gehad het, was hy verbaas om die ligte aan te sien, want dit was al omtrent middernag. Hy het by die deur gaan staan en luster en gehoor hoe sy vader besig was om te bid. Dit was ‘n byeenkoms van die Faith Mission. Duncan het ingegaan en gaan sit. Iemand het oor die teks gepraat in Job 33:14 wat sê : "God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.” Sy sondebesef het nou onhoudbaar geword en hy het die saal verlaat. Op pad huis toe het hy verskeie kere gestop en tot God geroep om genade. By die huis aangekom vind hy sy moeder op haar knieë, besig om te bid. Sy kon weens besoekers nie die byeenkoms in die saal bywoon nie. Sy het Duncan aangemoedig om geen tyd te mors om vrede te maak met God nie. Hy het na die skuur gegaan en in sy moedertaal Gaelies gebid : “Here ek weet nie wat om te doen nie, ek weet nie hoe om te kom nie, maar as U my sal vat soos ek is, kom ek nou” Terwyl hy so bid, is sy gedagtes gevul met die belofte van God in die woorde van Jesus in Johannes 5:24 , "He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." (John 5:24). Met die vreugde van verlossing in sy hart is hy haastig terug na sy moeder en saam het hulle die Here gedank vir sy genade.

Spoedig het Duncan ‘n getuie vir die Here geword en is kragtig deur hom gebruik. Soos duisende jongmanne van sy tyd is hy ook deur die gruwels van die Eerste Wêreld Oorlog. Hy het later as predikant ook ‘n tyd van geestelike droogte en onvrugbare diens deurgemaak, maar is weer deur die Here opgerig en herstel.

God het hom toe gebruik in die kragtige herlewing wat oor die Hebrides elande gespoel het. 


Oor die feit dat herlewing nie mensewerk is nie, maar ‘n bonatuurlike ingrype van God was Duncan Campbell baie uitgesproke :

“There are two things that I would like to say in speaking about the revival in the Hebrides. First, I would like to make it perfectly clear that I did not bring revival to the Hebrides. It has grieved me beyond words to hear people talk and write about the man who brought revival to the Hebrides. My dear people, I didn't do that. Revival was there before I ever set foot on the island. It began in a gracious awareness of God sweeping through the parish of Barvas.

Then I would like to make it perfectly clear what I understand of revival. When I speak of revival, I am not thinking of high-pressure evangelism. I am not thinking of crusades or of special efforts convened and organized by man. That is not in my mind at all.

Revival is something altogether different from evangelism on its highest level. Revival is a moving of God in the community and suddenly the community becomes God conscious before a word is said by any man representing any special effort.”


Die herlewing het sy oorsprong gehad by twee ou dames, die susters Peggy and Christine Smith van onderskeidelik 84 en 82 jaar (een was stokblind), wat met ‘n swaar las op hulle harte oor die bedenklike geestelike toestand begin bid het. Die toestand van die kerk het hulle baie ontstel, daar was nie ‘n enkele jong persoon wat die eredienste bygewoon het nie. Die vers wat hulle aangegryp het was : “Want Ek sal water giet op die dorsland en strome op die droë grond; Ek sal my Gees op jou kroos giet en my seën op jou nakomelinge." (Jesaja 44:3) Wat 'n geweldige belofte! Hulle het twee keer ‘n week begin bid. Op ‘n Dinsdag het hulle van die aand tienuur tot drie of vier uur die volgende oggend. Een nag het hierdie dames ‘n visioen gehad van die kerk vol jong mense en ‘n vreemde leraar op die kansel. Dit het hulle aangespoor om die predikant en sy kerkraad ook uit te daag om te begin ernstig bid, wat toe ook gebeur het. 


In so ‘n biduur het die herlewing eintlik begin toe ‘n diaken diep geraak is deur Psalm 24 se woorde : “Wie mag die berg van die Here opgaan en wie mag in sy heiligdom gaan staan? Dié een wie se hande rein en wie se hart suiwer is, wat alle bedrog vermy en geen vals eed aflê nie.” Daar het hulle besef dat herlewing gekoppel is aan heiligheid.

‘n Bewustheid van God het die eiland aangegryp. Een van die dames het voorgestel dat hulle ‘n prediker moes nooi. Iemand is genooi wat dit van die hand gewys het, maar vir Duncan Campbell voorgestel het. God het hom toe wonderbaarlik gebruik.

Campbell self vertel van die aand wat hy daar aangekom het, hoe die gehoor skielik van 300 tot 800 gegroei het en hoe God soewerein begin werk het :

I shall never forget the night that I arrived... We got to the church about quarter to nine to find about 300 people gathered. I would say about 300 people. And I gave an address. Nothing really happened during the service. It was a good meeting. A sense of God, a consciousness of His Spirit moving but nothing beyond that. So I pronounced the benediction and we were leaving the church I would
say about a quarter to eleven.

Just as I am walking down the aisle, along with this young deacon who read the Psalm in the barn. He suddenly stood in the aisle and looking up to the heavens he said, "God, You can't fail us. God, You can't fail us. You promised to pour water on the thirsty and floods upon the dry ground - God, You can't fail us!"

Soon He is on his knees in the aisle and he is still praying and then he falls into a trance again. Just then the door opened--it is now eleven o'clock. The door of the church opens and the local blacksmith comes back into the church and says, "Mr. Campbell, something wonderful has happened. Oh, we were praying that God would pour water on the thirsty and floods upon the dry ground and listen, He's done it! He's done it!"

When I went to the door of the church I saw a congregation of approximately 600 people. Six hundred people--where had they come from? What had happened? I believe that that very night God swept in Pentecostal power - the power of the Holy Ghost. And what happened in the early days of the apostles was happening now in the parish of Barvas.


Over 100 young people were at the dance in the parish hall and they weren't thinking of God or eternity. God was not in all of their thoughts. They were there to have a good night when suddenly the power of God fell upon the dance. The music ceased and in a matter of minutes, the hall was empty. They fled from the hall as a man fleeing from a plague. And they made for the church. They are now standing outside. Oh, yes - they saw lights in the church.That was a house of God and they were going to it and they went. 

Men and women who had gone to bed rose, dressed, and made for the church. Nothing in the way of publicity... But God took the situation in hand - oh, He became His own publicity agent. A hunger and a thirst gripped the people. 600 of them now are at the church standing outside... And then the doors were opened and the congregation flocked back into the church.

Now the church is crowded--a church to seat over 800 is now packed to capacity. It is now going on towards midnight. I managed to make my way through the crowd along the aisle toward the pulpit. I found a young woman, a teacher in the grammar school, lying prostrate on the floor of the pulpit praying, "Oh, God, is there mercy for me? Oh, God, is there mercy for me? " She was one of those at the dance. But she is now lying on the floor of the pulpit crying to God for mercy.

That meeting continued until 4 o'clock in the morning. So we left them there, and just as I was leaving the church, a young man came to me and said, "Mr. Campbell, I would like you to go to the police station." I said, "The police station? What's wrong?" "Oh," he said, "There's nothing wrong but there must be at least 400 people gathered around the police station just now."

Now the sergeant there was a God-fearing man. He was in the meeting. But people knew that this was a house that feared God. And next to the police station was the cottage in which the two old women lived. I believe that that had something to do with the magnet, the power that drew men. There was a coach load at that meeting. A coach load had come over 12 miles to be there. Now if anyone would ask them today, why? How did it happen? Who arranged it? They couldn't tell you. But they found themselves grouping together and someone saying, "What about going to Barvas? I don't know, but I have a hunger in my heart to go there." I can't explain it; they couldn't explain it, but God had the situation in hand.


This is revival dear people! This is a sovereign act of God! This is the moving of God's Spirit, I believe in answer to the prevailing prayer of men and women who believed that God was a covenant-keeping God but must be true to His covenant engagement...

That continued for almost 3 years. Until the whole of the island was swept by the mighty power of God.

As God se kinders getrou begin bid, as ons ons self voor Hom verootmoedig is niks vir Hom onmoontlik nie!

1 opmerking:

  1. Sjoe, Johannes, wat n kosbare getuienis! Inderdaad, wanneer God beweeg, is daar geen stop nie!!! So moet ons ook prostraat voor God le en smeek vir ons land en sy mense!!!

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