
Dinsdag 13 Desember 2011


Ons as kinders van God se reis na ons ewige Vaderland word gekenmerk deur versoekings, swaarkry en verdrukking. Dis niks snaaks nie; Paulus lig sy jong bekeerlinge in dat hulle dit moet verwag. (Hand 14:22 ) Gelukkig voorsien ons Verlosser vir ons rusplek en padkos op hierdie reis, sodat ons dit met blydskap en volharding kan voltooi! Hy gebruik ons medereisigers om ons uit die Woord te ondersteun en te bemoedig. Dit kan gebeur deur ons saamwees en saambid, deur gesprekke of preke en ook deur boeke... Ek deel graag met jou van hierdie padkos wat ek uit boeke gekry en my aangespreek het. Mag dit jou ook bemoedig en versterk! Maak die kosblik saam met my oop :

Kosblik 1

“Satisfaction with Jesus and His work, not satisfaction with your own faith, is what God expects of you.” Horatius Bonar, God’s Way of Peace ( Met ander woorde in reddende geloof gaan dit nie oor die kwaliteit van ons geloof nie, maar oor die genoegsaamheid van ons Verlosser in wie ons glo!)

Kosblik 2

As dit kom by die genoegsaamheid van Jesus se sterwe vir ons en die vastigheid en volkomenheid van ons vryspraak is Martin Luther 'n onverbeterlike bemoediger van ons siele. Kyk na 'n paar aanhalings uit sy Galasiërs Kommentaar.

Gal 1:4 "Let us learn here of Paul to fully and truly believe that Christ was given, not for feigned sins, nor for small, but for great and huge sins; not for few but for many, not for conquered sins (for no man can overcome the smallest sin to put it away) but for invincible sins.

Kosblik 3

Die kerk kan net haar roeping vervul as sy anders as die wêreld en getrou aan die Woord is!  My groot mentor is Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones en hy het die volgende hieroor te sê :

"The churches organise whistdrives, fêtes, dramas, bazaars and things of that sort, so as to attract people. We are becoming almost as wily as the devil himself, but we are really bad at it; all our attempts are hopeless failures and the world laughs at us. Now, when the world persecutes the church, she is performing her real mission, but when the world laughs at her she has lost her soul. And the world today is laughing at the church, laughing at her attempts to be nice and to make people feel at home.
My friends, if you feel at home in any church without believing in Christ as your personal Saviour, then that church is no church at all, but a place of entertainment or a social club."

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